Cinco de Mayo is one of those holidays I love in theory–who doesn’t love a Mexican fiesta full of fringe and paper flags?–but actually feel sort of eh about when it comes down to celebrating. As a society, we Americans put a lot of pressure on party holidays like Cinco de Mayo and New Year’s Eve, don’t we? I think my perfect Cinco de Mayo would incorporate all the party inspiration I love (hot pink and orange! tissue paper! sunshine and Spanish architecture!) and stay light on the actual party. You know me, I’m all about the prettiness! Here’s my wishlist for a perfectly fab Cinco de Mayo, inspired by–what else?–an idealistic Mexican sanctuary.
01 This hammock–get for Cinco de Mayo, keep til winter comes along!
02 I’m in love with decorative and completely non-functional chandeliers lately. Do you think DIYing this would be fun or craft hell?
03 Kelly’s gold pinata is a fiesta must-have. I actually want to institute monthly “Pinata Days” around here…but that’s a whole other post!
04 Mango & blackberry mint margaritas–yum. These might just need to be mixed up this weekend.